Terms & Fees
A monthly late fee of $25.00 or 3% of the original invoice (which ever is higher) will be assessed on all overdue invoices.
Late fees will continue to be assessed every month on the total amount of the original invoice until the invoice and all finance charges accrued by that invoice is payed in full.
Once delinquent, finance charges will be assessed monthly and calculated daily on the daily balance at an annual interest rate of 18% on the full account balance, including any new charges, finance fees or penalties.
((b * (1 + (0.015 / 30))^30) – b)
An invoice is considered overdue if payment is not received by ACT USA within 10 (ten) days of the invoice date.
If you are having issues paying your bill, please contact us as soon as possible.
ACT USA may grant a grace period at it’s own discretion, but reserves the right to assess fees and finance charges originating from the initial delinquency date and carried forward as described above if payment has not been received. Customers will also be responsible for any and all fees, including but not limited to court and attorney fees generated by any party in the collection of any unpaid invoices and/or late fees owed by that customer.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our terms and fees, please contact us.